Interior Design and Commercial Premises
Area Grande Soluciones is an interior design company whose model strives for a balance between promoter, designer and builder
Today, the general public increasingly values a pleasant, orderly and well-designed environment in the spaces that it destines to leisure. For this reason, it is essential to create an attractive and comfortable place to generate consumption. Thus values such as harmony, warmth of materials, order and finish are key to determining the viability of a business.
These aspects are incompatible most of the time with the need to open the activity immediately, which marks the beginning of income generation. Likewise, this type of constructions contemplate complex actions in installations of air conditioning, fires and electricity that must be correctly considered according to the municipal regulations. It is therefore essential to consider these elements when executing a construction of this type.
Our model is based on the balance between promoter, designer and builder, so that we adapt our knowledge to the needs of each project. On the basis of the speed of opening, we provide in advance aspects related to design and execution so that the respective decisions can be taken with enough temporality to not affect the correct execution of the works. Emphasizes the large number of people involved in this type of construction during the execution, so a proper coordination is essential to carry out actions of this nature.
Our technical capacity as a construction company is even more necessary in this type of interventions, which require qualified personnel on site at all times. The good work done and the speed in the decision making are key in the execution of a commercial place. This fact and the precise execution combined with the variety of the warmth of the materials and the environment will form the favorable experience of the future consumer that will favor the success of the busines.